Friday, September 9, 2016

Show Some Love

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) will be launching its 2016 drive entitled “Show Some Love” with a video that will feature various Federal agencies and employees in the Dallas and Houston areas. The USPS will be highlighted several times in the video.  The CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign.  Last year the Dallas District raised $654,591 with 1,275 employees contributing, and a 30% participation rate.  Your contributions are essential in helping thousands of people locally, across the country, and around the world.
The money generated will help strengthen the services of non-profit organizations that YOU choose. People afflicted with diseases, homelessness, or natural disasters, will benefit from your donations.  CFC supports programs that rescue pets, support medical research, preserve nature and enhance our community.  The campaign runs September 1st through December 15th every year.  The needs are so great. Let's pull together and make our contributions better than ever before!

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