Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Duncanville, TX, Retail Associate Crystal Richie (center) was given her first Gold Star Award by Manager, Post Office Operations Brandi Smith (left) and Postmaster Stacey Taplin (right) for providing exceptional customer service during a recent Retail Customer Experience.

Duncanville Retail Associate Crystal Richie received her first Gold Star Award for a perfect score on a recent Retail Customer Experience.  She started her Postal career in the Rio Grande District, then moved to the Network Distribution Center and then to a Retail Associate in August.  Richie was still in training when she was shopped and she succeeded with flying colors.  She remarked, “I’m proud to be able to assist my customers and help satisfy their needs.”

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Crystal. Thank you for providing Excellent Customer Service!

    Karen Schott
    Dallas District Manager, Marketing


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