Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Canton, TX, Retail Associate Valencia Gipson (center) was awarded a Gold Star Award by Manager, Post Office Operations Brandi Smith (left) and Postmaster Dana Hoffman (right) for a perfect score during a recent Retail Customer Experience.

Canton Retail Associate Valencia Gipson received her first Gold Star Award for giving exceptional customer service during a recent Retail Customer Experience.  She has been with the Postal Service for 11 years and appreciates interacting with customers.  She enjoys getting to know the people around Canton and they appreciate what she does.  Gipson commented, “My family and my co-workers are very supportive.  We are a great team with a good system in place.”

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Valencia and thank you for providing Excellent Service to our customers.

    Karen Schott
    Dallas District Manager, Marketing


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