Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A message from the District Manager Scott Hooper…

The Postal Service’s first ever Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Week was held Oct. 26 – Nov. 1, 2019.  The week was dedicated to increasing hazard reporting, improving awareness, and eliminating hazards to protect and prevent against a slip, trip and fall. Last year, nationally there were 18,684 Postal Service employees that were victims of a slip, trip or fall.  There were 261 STF incidents that occurred in the Dallas District.  Slip, trip and fall injuries and casualties are terrible and needless. 

Most slips, trips and falls involved letter carriers, and more than half of the accidents resulted in the victim missing more than one day of work.
Here are four simple tips to prevent slips, trips and falls:
·   Inspect the path
·   Repair hazards
·     Control slippery surfaces
· Wear proper footwear
Slips, trips and falls are preventable — and we all have a role to play. 
Thank you for your keeping safety at the forefront and remember, it’s not optional, it is essential. 

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