Monday, October 17, 2016

A message from the District Manager...(October)

Tim Costello
What Scanning Means to the Customer
Today I had a conversation with a customer regarding a package she had recently mailed.  She visited one of our local offices and purchased Priority Mail and was informed it came with tracking.  The Retail Associate explained she could track the package at to determine when the package was delivered.  After a couple of days she went to to track the package as instructed by the Retail Associate, but never saw any delivery information.  She continued to do this for three more days before calling the local office for assistance.  Ultimately, she had to rely on her daughter to inform her when the package arrived.
Does this sound frustrating to you?  Have you ever purchased a product or service that disappointed you?  What did you do?  Most customers tell others about their experience or decide to never give the supplier another chance-thus finding another company to do business with.
In today’s economic environment, we can’t afford to provide less than perfect service.  Our customers expect it.  This means that when the customer enters our retail units we need to serve them promptly and effectively.  It means that when the product enters our mail-stream we make proper dispatches to plant operations in order for them to dispatch timely to the correct delivery unit. And ultimately, delivery units provide timely delivery to the final destination--SCANNING at each point along the way.
Proper scanning is our tool to compete for, win and retain new revenue from all types of mailers in the marketplace.  Accurate scanning provides the service to the mailer to build trust and loyalty.  Every piece must have an Arrival at Unit and Stop the Clock scan by close of business the day the individual piece is received in the delivery unit.  Every piece must also receive an Acceptable Delivery Event within 31 days to allow for Hold Mail. 
Scanning is not new to us and it’s certainly not new to our customers.  In order for us to grow the package business and build trust, we must focus on scanning. 
So, let’s think about the customer in the beginning of this story.  Can we afford to lose her over one package not being scanned properly?  Certainly not--and that’s why every customer experience starts with you.  Every person, every time, every scan.

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