Friday, August 17, 2018

A Message from the Acting District Manager Scott Hooper…

Schools Are Back in Session — Drive Carefully

Summer vacation is almost over. That means children will soon be returning to school. For postal drivers, this means more possibilities of unwary young pedestrians wandering into roadways or darting from between cars or hidden places. We are all familiar with the necessity for care at or near schools or playgrounds, but there are several precautions we should take while driving delivery routes through residential areas or anywhere else.


Obey all speed limits.

Adjust mirrors so you can see around your vehicle.

Try to avoid having to back up your vehicle.

Never pass a stopped school bus. Stoup at least 10 feet away from a bus so students can safely enter or exit.

Be alert for children who don’t pay attention to safety rules. They often don’t look both ways when walking or bicycling to school.

Don’t hand mail to children. They might run to you when they see you coming, forgetting about oncoming traffic.

I urge all of you to be extra cautious now that school is open. Let’s protect our most precious commodity — our children. Drive defensively at all times and remember that you represent the U.S. Postal Service when you get behind the wheel.


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