Thursday, April 19, 2018

Your Team and You ePromotion - Day 9

Tackling Negativity and Turning it Around
Have you ever spent time with people who complain?  Complaining and negativity are very contagious to any team.  Negativity can ruin people’s days and cause people to feel disconnected from one another. 

Recognize that you cannot control anyone else’s negativity and you cannot make people stop being rude or complaining; however, you can control your response to it and you can control your reaction.  Every time we provide a positive connection or response to someone, we benefit ourselves, set a good example for our team, and stop negativity from spreading. 

Today, turn negativity around.  If you hear a complaint from a person on your team, counter it with a positive statement.  If someone complains about a problem, ask them their ideas for a solution.  Practice reflecting negativity off of yourself like using an umbrella to repel the rain.  Practice saying out loud something positive to the people you interact with today.

Terri Sitrin, LCSW, ACSW, CEAP | EAP Consultant, Dallas District | USPS EAP

Magellan Health Inc,  2341 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX  75220-4415 Go to or call 800-EAP-4YOU (800-327-4968) TTY: 877-492-7341

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