Monday, April 23, 2018

Tyler, TX, Main Post Office held a unique passport fair at the Tyler Junior College during International day on April 17, 2018 in which students, faculty and many residents in the Tyler area took advantage of renewing and applying for passport applications.  They processed 17 passports applications and generated $865 in total revenue. 
Retail Associate Bridget Mask (center, behind table) assisted a student with her passport application.
Retail Associates Bridget Mask (left, behind table) and Vermon Chatmon (right, behind table) answered questions and verified passport information from two applicants.
(Left to right) Retail Associate Bridget Mask; Officer In Charge Mike Arrambidez and Retail Associate Vermon Chatmon all posed for a picture after a very successful passport fair.
Tyler Junior College Professor of Public Science Manoucher Khosrowshahi (right) encouraged his students to renew and apply for new passports by giving them school credit in his classes.  Retail Associates Bridget Mask (left) and Vermon Chatmon (center) expressed their gratitude and thankfulness for the hospitality and student engagement that Khosrowshahi promoted.

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