Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Addison, TX, Lead Retail Associate Denise Davis (left) received her Official Retirement Certificate from Postmaster Alicia Soliz (right).  She has 44 years of service with the Post Office and a wealth of knowledge.  Davis had many friends and customers who have nothing but great things to say about her.  Soliz remarked, “Denise Davis was an excellent employee.  I would consistently receive customer compliments for her.  She would receive gifts of appreciation from our passport customers because of her extra mile service she provided to them.  Davis will be missed.”
A retirement party was given to Denise Davis on February 2, 2018. It was her last day.
Addison, TX, Retail Associates Julian Molina (sitting in chair), (back row left to right) two retired Retail Associates, current Retail Associates Rita Kuruvilla and Moni Varkey congratulated and wished Denise well in her retirement.
A grateful customer (right) gave Denise Davis (left) flowers on her last day at the Post Office.
Addison, TX, Lead Retail Associate Denise Davis (back row, left), Retail Associate Diep Ngo (back row, right) and two previously retired Addison Retail Associates (front row) posed for a picture while enjoying some delicious food at the retirement party. 

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