Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Benefit from Mindfulness: Personally & Professionally ePromotion - Invitation

Often, the world moves so quickly that we do not have time to process our thoughts thoroughly. We may find ourselves struggling to stay focused and miss opportunities. By practicing mindfulness, you can eliminate the distractions and live in the moment. You can actively choose to focus on your thoughts and feelings. There are many benefits to being mindful, both personally and professionally, and this ePromotion aims at discussing the benefits and giving you ways you can practice being more mindful.

The USPS EAP in your District is preparing to run an ePromotion titled, “Benefit from Mindfulness: Personally & Professionally” and we would like to invite you to sign up. This ePromotion will send daily emails that explore the benefits of being mindful.

An ePromotion is a series of emails sharing brief information to help you actively engage in a topic. The EAP invites you to sign up to participate by responding to this invitation. With this ePromotion, you will receive emails on Wednesdays over the next 5 weeks.

You may use your postal or home email address and your participation is strictly confidential. Please feel free to share the daily emails with your co-workers and family members and encourage them to sign up as well.

If you would like more information or to sign up, please contact me by email at or by calling 214-353-6996.

If you would like more information on mindfulness and to work with a coach to aid you, please contact me directly or by calling 800-327-4968 (TTY: 877-492-7341).

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