Now that we know how resiliency benefits
us and we know that it is going to take work, let’s examine what encourages
- Having
a sense of purpose
- Having
a positive outlook
- Taking
an active approach to problem-solving
- Building
- Having
a sense of humor
- Expecting
- Caring
for yourself
- Continuing
to learn
During the
remainder of this ePromotion, we will take a closer look at each of these
characteristics and discuss how it encourages resiliency. By striving to be
better at each of these, you will naturally increase your ability to be
resilient in the face of change and adversity.
This is not to
say that these are the only things that help to make a person resilient or that
you have to master each one. There are different levels of resilience and
people adapt and show resiliency in different ways. We are just offering these
eight ways that you can increase your own resilience. If you would like to
explore these or other characteristics further, contact the EAP, 24 hours a
day, to be connected with a coach to help you reach your goals.
Sitrin, LCSW, ACSW, CEAP | EAP Consultant, Dallas District | USPS EAP
| TLSitrin@magellanhealth.com
Health Inc, 2341 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX 75220-4415 Go to www.EAP4YOU.com or call 800-EAP-4YOU
(800-327-4968) TTY: 877-492-7341
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