Thursday, July 6, 2017

A Sense of Purpose

By having a sense of purpose, you are able to begin your recovery after a stressful event. It gives you a goal to work towards and allows you to start moving forward. The purpose gives you something to look forward to and work towards instead of just sitting around and stewing about the recent events. The purpose calls you to action and gives you direction.
The purpose you find will likely be unique to you as well as to the event. For example, if you are faced with a natural disaster such as a bad storm, you can find purpose in helping the community restore itself – you can volunteer to clear debris, aid in meal preparation for volunteers, or simply help your elderly neighbor clear his walk.
Maybe the sense of purpose you find is more personal – adjusting to a shift change at work. This can have a big impact on your home life and it may take time for you to adjust. However, look for the positive and take advantage of it. Maybe the new shift allows you to participate in after-school programs at your child’s school or you can now meet your old buddies for coffee at the local diner. In this example, being more involved in new activities becomes your new purpose.
Find that sense of purpose and work towards it. Don’t sit idle and suffer through the stress – practice your resiliency and work through it!
Terri Sitrin, LCSW, ACSW, CEAP | EAP Consultant, Dallas District | USPS EAP
Magellan Health Inc,  2341 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX  75220-4415 Go to or call 800-EAP-4YOU (800-327-4968) TTY: 877-492-7341

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