Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Positive Outlook Aids in Resilience

Having a positive outlook helps your mental and emotional outlook on life in general. It also plays a factor in being resilient when change or negative situations arise. Look for the positive in the change and, if you look hard enough, you may even find a bit of positive in a negative situation. In Day 4, we already gave an example of a positive from a change – a shift change allows you to participate in an activity you couldn’t do before. By finding that new purpose, you are also finding the positive in the change.
Finding the positive in a negative event can be a bit more difficult. Take, for example, the bad storm we discussed last time. People’s houses may have been damaged or destroyed, injuries may have occurred, and people’s lives may be in shambles. It is no time to rejoice. However, there is more than likely a silver lining – the community has come together to help everyone, your home and health were spared, you have made new friends during your volunteer efforts.
When you are able to remain positive and not let negativity drag you down, you are demonstrating resiliency. You are able to continue forward and move beyond what has happened.
Terri Sitrin, LCSW, ACSW, CEAP | EAP Consultant, Dallas District | USPS EAP
Magellan Health Inc,  2341 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX  75220-4415 Go to www.EAP4YOU.com or call 800-EAP-4YOU (800-327-4968) TTY: 877-492-7341
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