Tuesday, October 9, 2018

It’s Time to Talk: Empowerment Starts with You ePromotion - Day 3

Day 3: Know the Warning Signs

While there are no warning signs that definitively tell if someone will attempt suicide and people who do display the warning signs do not always contemplate suicide, there are some things that should raise concern:

·       Observable signs of severe depression (e.g. hopelessness, desperation)

·       Increased substance use/abuse

·       Recent impulsiveness/taking unnecessary risks

·       Threatening suicide or voicing a strong wish to die

·       Unexpected rage or anger

You should also be very vigilant when it appears as though someone has already made a plan:

·       Giving away prized possessions

·       Putting personal affairs in order

·       Sudden or impulsive purchase of a firearm or obtaining other means of killing oneself (e.g. poisons, medications)

Trust your gut. If you are concerned, ask. Remember, talking about suicide will not give someone the idea to contemplate, attempt, or complete suicide. However, asking if someone is considering it may be the point where someone decides to get help instead of ending their life.

If you are concerned that someone is at immediate risk of harming themselves, call 911

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