Tuesday, October 16, 2018

It’s Time to Talk: Empowerment Starts with You ePromotion - Day 5

Day 5: Prevention Works & You Can Help 

According to the CDC, 9.8 million adults have seriously thought about suicide, 2.8 million made a plan, and 1.3 million attempted suicide. So, what happened to the 8.5 million people that didn’t attempt? Prevention.

 Maybe they talked themselves out of it or just couldn’t go through with it. More than likely, someone else intervened – whether they did it intentionally by purposefully getting involved or unintentionally just by being kind to someone who couldn’t find kindness in their world. Either way, something prevented the person from going from thinking to acting.

So we know that prevention works, especially for those who seek care within our health system. What you may not realize is that you can help.

You can help in many different ways:

  • It’s time to talk. Remind the person you are concerned about that the world will NOT be better off without them. Being kind can make a difference. Human connection can make a huge difference. The biggest part of prevention is opening up the door for a conversation about how desperate the person feels and allowing them to talk about it. Remember the QPR process from earlier in this ePromotion. 
  • Another key for suicide prevention is within our communities: where we live, where we work, where we play. Positive social connections strengthen each of us allowing for more successful navigation of life’s challenges. When we’re connected it can help us identify those who may be at risk for suicide and to connect them to appropriate resources for care (e.g. encouraging use of the EAP or, if the person is in imminent risk, dial 911).
  • Fight the stigma associated with mental illness. Get involved in walks and other events to help raise awareness about mental illness and suicide awareness.

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