Thursday, October 18, 2018

It’s Time to Talk: Empowerment Starts with You ePromotion - Day 6

Day 6: Empower Mental Health

Stigma creates barriers that prevent people from seeking mental health assistance when they struggle. In order to help end stigma:

  • Use respectful language; do not use words like, “crazy” or “psycho”.
  • Offer support and encourage seeking help.
  • Educate yourself about mental illness. The more you know, the less there is to misunderstand. Knowledge also lessens fear and suspicion.
  • Listen; create conversations around mental health. Being able to take the stigma out of the subject and discussing it can reduce the unknown and put a personal awareness to the situation.
  • See the person, not the illness. Remember, mental illness affects 1 in 4 adults. By realizing how many people are affected, it helps to normalize it.

By being prepared and open to discussing mental health, you are opening the door to people seeking help and guidance.

The fear of being stigmatized should not stop you or others from seeking help. Many effective treatments are available for every kind of mental health problem. Knowledgeable professionals in the field of mental health are available in your area.


Terri Sitrin, LCSW, CEAP

Dallas District Consultant | USPS EAP

2341 West Northwest Hwy

Dallas, TX  75220

Office: 214-353-6996

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