Monday, October 23, 2017

Supervisor, Customer Services Kim Jones
Supervisor, Customer Services Bryon Blair
Dear Ms. Jones and Mr. Blair,
Thank you for your kind assistance in resolving the late/missing mail situation this month.  Once you explained that our regular Carrier, Tyra had been attacked by a dog (a terrible thing) and that the mail was and will be late because other Carriers had to/will fill in for her during her recovery and partial return to work, I was able to relax a bit.  But the missing mail situation was wreaking havoc on my husband’s and my business and our family.
I appreciate that both of you worked diligently to discover the reason and ensure that our mail eventually was delivered.  Without both of you assisting in this situation, I’d be one crazy customer. Thank you!
Please let Tyra know that we hope for a speedy recovery and that we thank her for her service.
Thank you again! Y ’all take care,
Loyal customer

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