Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A message from the District Manager...

May I have the envelope, please?

The winners for September’s Safety Video contest have been selected and I’m proud to announce that the video from the Terrell Post Office is the First Place winner.  Second Place goes to Richland Station and Third Place goes to Lake Highlands Station. 

 Judging the videos was tough and the scores were all very close.  But the panel of judges was finally able to select a winner from eight videos that were submitted. 

 I hope that more employees get engaged with the contest and submit a video for November’s Safety Video Contest.  The theme for next month’s contest is proper lifting.

In addition to the Safety Video Contest, we have also started a “You’ve Been Caught” Safety Recognition program.  You’ll be hearing more about it soon—hopefully when “You Get Caught” working safely.

 Two of the winning videos have been posted to the Dallas District webpage.  I encourage you to view them at the following link: http://southwest.fws.usps.gov/sites/dallas/hr/safety/safetyvideo2/SitePages/Home.aspx

Thank you for your contributions to our continued effort to make the Dallas District a safe place to work!


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