Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A message from the District Manager Scott Hooper…

Summer Safety
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The photo below was taken last week, shortly after a Letter Carrier in Baxter, MN, ran over a four-year old boy, who was riding his bicycle in front of his house. In the photo, you can see the bicycle under the LLV, the father holding his son, and the shattered bike helmet that saved the boy’s life. As the end of the school year approaches, I would like to remind everyone about the importance of keeping children safe during the last week of school and throughout the summer months.
• During the last few days of school, be aware that kids may be arriving or leaving school at different times throughout the day.
• When driving around playgrounds and parks remember small children are less predictable and harder to see than adults.
• Look for clues, a hockey net or ball in the road or on the sidewalk can mean kids are playing nearby. Pay attention and always anticipate the unexpected.
• Never give mail to children from inside your vehicle.
I would also like remind employees to use caution during the summer months, when high temperatures, humidity and direct sun can increase the risk of heat stress. Below are some ways to protect yourself:
• Drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
• Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
• Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15.
• Take regular, scheduled breaks.
Employees who experience symptoms of heat stress — or who notice symptoms in co-workers — should immediately contact their supervisors for assistance. Let’s stay safe this summer by making these reminders a priority.


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