The Importance of Accurate Scanning
Customers today are tech-savvy and expect those they do business with to be the same. Technology is at the core of how the Postal Service has changed over the years, but even with all of the advancements we’ve made, we still need employees to physically perform many critical tasks. One such task is to scan the mail.
Scanning allows customers to track their packages and other mail and helps the Postal Service boost efficiency and strengthen network management. And, if they incorrectly or not clearly addresses a package, because it is scanned, we can find it in our mail processing system.
Our customers are more concerned than ever with the protection of their private and personal information. They tell us mail delivered to the correct address is their single most important concern, this is well within our control. Here are some scanning reminders:
• Scan accurately. Make sure you scan packages at the right time and at the correct location. For example, don’t scan a parcel as “delivered” until it has actually been delivered.
• Pay attention. Scanning barcodes aren’t always on the front of packages, so you might have to look for them.
• Deliver correctly. To avoid misdeliveries, double check address numbers, street names and recipients’ names.
Our services, like scanning, keep us in business. Customers want to know where their package is and when it will be delivered. Keep the focus on timely and accurate scanning. Thank you for your commitment to our customers, your performance is appreciated.