Thursday, July 19, 2018

Lake Dallas, TX, Retail Associates Helen Heer (holding trophy), Lawrence Healy (back row, left), and Langston Darnell (back row, right) received a catered lunch and trophy for 50 consecutive 100% Retail Customer Experience scores from (left to right) Postmaster Johny Wilson; Acting Manager, Post Office Operations Amanda Morrell; District Manager Scott Hooper, Marketing Manager Kelley Davis; and Retail Manager Karina Salazar.  Not pictured is Retail Associate Patricia Guerrero.  Lake Dallas’s streak started back in October of 2012 and currently they are number two in the nation in consecutive 100% Retail Customer Experiences received.  Lake Dallas recently scored their 51st 100% score in June and continue to set the standard throughout the district on giving exceptional customer service.  The Dallas District has decided to name 50 consecutive 100% shops the Lake Dallas Award.  Congratulations to Johny Wilson and all his Retail Associates on this phenomenal achievement.

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