Monday, January 29, 2018

A message from the Acting District Manager Julie Gosden

I am excited to have the opportunity to be working in a detail assignment as the District Manager for the Dallas District.  I have spent the majority of my 30-year career with the U.S. Postal Service in the Oklahoma District, so I have much to learn about operations in the Dallas area.  I believe that the success of daily operations in our organization is dependent on consistent, reliable processes and the knowledge and dedication of the employees who execute those processes.  Each and every one of you plays a critical role in achieving those positive results for our customers.   


I want to begin by thanking you for the outstanding work you performed last month to deliver the holidays for our customers.  As an organization, we delivered an estimated 15 billion cards, letters, and packages during the holiday season - the task of delivering
that additional package and mail volume took incredible teamwork on everyone’s part.  Your contribution to that success is much appreciated. 
Our holiday advertising showcased the importance and convenience of our shipping services and featured the messaging “Priority: You”.  As we move forward in 2018, I encourage everyone make a renewed commitment to make our customers a Priority and provide the exceptional level of service that they have come to expect.  Each of us should strive to be better every day in all that we do to take care of our customers – better at serving them at the retail counter, better at scanning, and better at timely, consistent, and accurate processing and delivery of our products.
Just as every one of you has a role in making our customers a priority, I also believe everyone has a role in providing a safe and productive workplace.  We need to ensure that we, and our fellow co-workers, are following the safety policies and procedures that allow us to best serve our customers and return home safely to those who count on us.  Working safely and treating one another professionally must also be a priority in our daily conversations and activities.      
What you do each day is important – let’s continue to show the customers of the Dallas District that they are our priority by working to be better and being #PostalProud.


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