Monday, September 25, 2017

A Message from the District Manager

When I think of safety, the goal for me is that each and every employee goes home at the end of their day safe and sound. That doesn’t always happen.  We continue to have accidents and that is a concern for me -- and it should be for you, too.

It’s up to each of us to ensure that every safety procedure is being followed.  Each employee must take all required safety training and ensure you give proper attention to all Safety Talks.  Only through frequent communication, observation, and follow-up of safety procedures, can we control preventable accidents.

This month, we have started a contest to build engagement with Safety.  We want everyone involved in creating a safer environment because safety concerns all of us. We are asking you to get with your fellow employees and create a safety video.  Each month, we’ll provide a safety theme.  We ask you to be safe while filming, but that and your creativity are your only limitations.  This month’s theme is rollaway/runaway motor vehicle accidents.  More information on the safety contest is included in this month’s newsletter.

October is upon us when we start a new fiscal year.  Let’s make FY18 our Safety First year—where safety is a part of everything we do and then we can ensure that every employee goes home at the end of their day safe, sound and Dallas Proud!



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