Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A message from the District Manager...

August is almost over.  Kids are back in school and we’re headed into the last month of Fiscal Year 2017.  It went by really fast.  And Peak Season will be here before we know it.

Normally, right now, we would be heavily into rolling out our plans for FY 2018.  As a matter of fact, we have an entire Road Show developed to review the current state of the Postal Service and to discuss ways we can improve our performance in FY 2018.  But Hurricane Harvey had a different idea for us.
Our Postal brothers and sisters in the Rio Grande and Houston Districts are currently dealing with the after effects of Hurricane Harvey.  The North Houston Processing and Distribution Center has been unable to process mail since August 26, and the Dallas Processing and Distribution Center; the Dallas Network Distribution Center; the Surface Transfer Center and the North Texas Processing and Distribution Center have stepped up to process that mail and ensure our Houston District customers that can receive mail delivery, do receive mail delivery.

The Postal Service continually works on contingency plans to ensure that if there is a service disruption for any reason, that we are able to continue to move the mail.  When you actually see those contingency plans put to the test, you realize the true dedication of the employees of this organization, because the plans are just that—plans.  It is the employees that make those plans happen.  And that’s exactly what you are doing.  In addition to assisting with the mail processing, we have had several Dallas District employees volunteer to go to the affected districts on recovery teams.

I am extremely proud of the Dallas District employees’ effort being put forth right now to keep the mail moving and of the employees who volunteered to assist in recovery.  We are asking a lot of you and you have stepped up to the challenge.

Please accept my profound gratitude for coming to work, doing your job safely and keeping the mail moving; not only for the customers of the Dallas District, but for the customers of the Houston District, as well.  You make me Dallas Proud!


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