Monday, February 24, 2020

A message from the District Manager Scott Hooper…

You hear a lot about Postal Service employees who have banked years’ worth of sick leave during the course of their careers.

Sick leave can provide far greater benefits than time off when an employee is ill. Properly used and conserved, it’s a long-term investment that can continue paying long after an employee’s postal career has ended.

By staying healthy and using sick leave only when necessary, CSRS and FERS employees can turn an important yearly benefit into an even more valuable part of their future — a benefit they can look forward to enjoying even after they’re retired.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

• Conserving leave can help you when you’re sick. By saving and accumulating your leave, you’ll know it’s there for you when you really need it.

• You can save as much sick leave as you wish. There’s no limit to the amount of sick leave that can be added to the earned service of an eligible employee.

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