Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A message from the District Manager Scott Hooper…

A Worthy Cause October is generally known as the month for celebrating Halloween, leaves changing color and falling from the trees, and cooler weather. It is also recognized across our country as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an initiative in which the Postal Service actively participates, to help increase awareness of the disease. I am proud to say that, for the past 22 years, USPS has been a champion in raising money for breast cancer research through sales of our Breast Cancer Research (BCR) semipostal stamp. The BCR semipostal stamp was the first semipostal stamp in our nation’s history. Semipostal stamps are issued specifically to raise funds for an identified special cause. Since its debut in 1998, the BCR stamp has raised more than $90 million for breast cancer research. Sales of the stamp help fund breast cancer research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Medical Research Program. I’m also proud to report that the Dallas District is currently ranked in the top ten in the nation with close to $100,000 in BCR semipostal stamp sales, with the Carrollton MPO leading the district with almost in $13,000 in sales. Collectively, the Dallas District has raised almost $15,000 so far for Breast Cancer Research. Let’s continue to do our part and finish strong as we close out the month of October. I thank you for your efforts to raise awareness about breast cancer, not only by promoting the stamp, but by supporting our co-workers who may have been affected by the disease, and those who continue to fight. Each of you plays a vital role in helping fund the fight to stamp out breast cancer.

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