Thursday, March 29, 2018

Your Team and You ePromotion - Day 3

Small Gestures Can Make Someone’s Day

Have you ever received an unexpected gesture from someone?  It could be a “pay it forward” event like the person in front of you unexpectedly buys your coffee in the morning or it could be receiving a card of support during a rough time in your life.  These gestures can put an extra zip in your step, a smile on your face, and make your whole day feel very special.

Think about your team.  Is there anyone who could benefit from a kind or unexpected gesture from you?  Maybe a team member is going through a divorce or having trouble with something.  Maybe they have nothing in particular happening at all but you know they would appreciate something positive and unexpected.  Think about how a kind gesture from you would impact their day.  Think of things you can do for that person: get them a card, buy them a cup of coffee, bake cookies, or write them a thank you note for what they bring to the job each day.  Plan it out and do something to surprise them, either in person or anonymously.

Today, do something unexpected, out of the ordinary, and kind for at least one member of your team.  You can either do it anonymously or let them know it is from you. You may even consider asking that they pay it forward to someone else.

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