Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Getting Started with the “Your Team and You” ePromotion

Sometimes we spend more time at work than we do with our family and friends.  Spend a minute thinking about your job and the team.  Think about how each member of that team interacts.  Is it positive?  Are people supportive?  Or, are there things that can be done to make it better?
There is so much information about teams available to us. These books, articles, and advice exist because teams play a major part of our lives and can include our work unit, family, school, sports team, or other groups of people that you interact with on a regular basis.  No wonder it is important to take the time to pay attention to the teams you are on and work at being a better teammate! The goal of this ePromotion is to help you find ways to do your part to make your team better.  Sometimes it only takes one person to make a difference!
An ePromotion is a series of emails sharing brief information to help you actively engage in a topic. The EAP invites you to sign up to participate by responding to this invitation. With the “Your Team and You” ePromotion, starting March 27 you will receive emails on Tuesdays and Thursdays over the next four weeks.
You may use your postal or home email address and your participation is strictly confidential. Please feel free to share “Your Team and You” with your co-workers and family members and encourage them to sign up as well. This ePromotion is designed to help you find ways to do your part to influence any team you are a part of to become better. It will give you ideas and suggestions to help to promote a positive team environment.  
If you would like more information or to sign up, please contact me by email at or by calling 214-353-6996.

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