Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Your Team and You ePromotion - Day 2

Break the Ice
We are all different.  This is based upon life experiences, our personalities, and many other factors.  Some people are a little shy or introverted and tend to recharge their batteries by finding time to be alone.  Introverts tend to avoid crowds and usually don’t initiate conversations.  Others are very outgoing and extroverted.  Extroverts like to talk and engage with people and are rarely ever considered shy.  We invite you to reflect on your tendency toward introversion or extroversion.  Sometimes, reflecting on your style and practicing ways to move outside of your comfort zone will bring you new ways of looking at yourself and the world.  It is also important to recognize that we are all just different and have different responses and reactions to the people around us.
If you lean toward introversion, and have deep relationships with a few people but lack a larger support network, practice reaching out and engaging others a bit more than usual. Look for people to add to your support network, people you like and enjoy being with.  Engage in conversations with people you would normally not speak with in places such as work, the grocery store, or other places you may visit.  This will get you out of your comfort zone and help you look at people in a different way. 
If you lean toward extroversion and have a lot of acquaintances but perhaps few deep connections with others, it is important to slow down and take time to reflect and have some time alone.  It could also mean that you take time to get to know some of your acquaintances on a deeper level.  It is important to remember that it is not the number of people you know, but how significant your connections with those people that matters.
Terri Sitrin, LCSW, ACSW, CEAP | EAP Consultant, Dallas District | USPS EAP
Magellan Health Inc,  2341 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX  75220-4415 Go to or call 800-EAP-4YOU (800-327-4968) TTY: 877-492-7341

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