Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Plano, TX, Northwest Letter Carrier Vickie L. Hanna was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer after conducting a self-breast exam and finding a lump.  Hanna received a double mastectomy and then underwent 16 chemo treatments and 30 radiation treatments within a year.  During her chemo treatment, a restaurant that she co-owns, was hit by a tornado the day after Christmas and destroyed. An employee lost their life as a result of the tornado.  Hanna commented, “I’m very grateful to my support network for the love and encouragement that they gave me. Overcoming breast cancer is the roughest thing I’ve ever been through in my life.  Be sure to check your breasts, not only women, but men, should get checked too.  I will always be a supporter of anyone who needs it.  It changes you forever.”

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