Monday, October 17, 2016

Dallas District Consumer Affairs Representative Rose Ranck received a letter of accommodation for providing outstanding customer service.

Dear Ms. Wallace,
This letter of commendation provides outstanding praise for Rose Ranck of your department.  Not only is she professional and consistently pleasant beyond description, but she also possesses the quality of competence, which is my highest compliment!
Having been a professional working woman, I have decided that each employee has the choice to do an outstanding job or not every day.  Ms. Ranck reflects the highest credit on your organization, as she chooses each day to perform at an outstanding level.  In a circuitous and highly frustrating situation this summer with the post office, Ms. Ranck answered the phone and listened!  She next told me that she would work through the difficulty and confusion and get my family's mail re-directed.  We have spoken many times, and each and every occasion has resulted in a pleasant and capable individual who has kept her commitments and resolved the problem.  My work experience over 35 years with extensive management experience has revealed few people with her professional attitude and can-do spirit.
I ask that you personally take the time to provide her this feedback and make this letter a part of her performance review.  In the words of Vince Lombardi, Ms. Ranck is, without question, a "cut above" all the rest.

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