Monday, December 17, 2018

The North Texas Social Recreation Committee held a Thanksgiving Day Raffle at the North Texas Processing & Distribution Center (P&DC) on November 21, 2018.  There was a raffle for employees of all three tours and Kroger gift cards and fruit baskets were given to the winners.  The members of the committee are Supervisor, Distribution Operations Carla Jones; Mail Processing Clerks Miriam Fleites; Susan Jones, Mail Handler/Union Steward ShuDana Duncan, Mail Handler Annie Samuel; Maintenance Clerk Timothy Tworek; Mail Handler Ronald Roberson; and Mail Handler Emmanual Akinola.
North Texas P&DC (from left) Mail Processing Clerk Susan Jones presented a Kroger gift card and fruit baskets to Mail Processing Clerk Paula Jones; Mail Handler Henry Edwards; and Mail Processing Clerk Betty Kutty Joy from the Thanksgiving Day raffle.
North Texas P&DC Mail Processing Clerk Miriam Fleites (left) presented Mail Processing Clerk Dora Merino (right) a Kroger gift card and fruit basket from the Thanksgiving Day raffle.
North Texas P&DC Mail Handler Emmanual Akinola (far left); Mail Processing Clerk Miriam Fleites (second left); and Mail Processing Clerk Susan Jones (second right); presented Kroger gift cards and fruit baskets to Supervisor, Distribution Operations Geraldine Fulton (center); and Mail Handler Hung Nguyen (far right) from the Thanksgiving Day raffle.
North Texas P&DC Mail Processing Clerk Miriam Fleites (far left); Mail Handler Emmanual Akinola (second left); and Mail Processing Clerk Susan Jones (far right); presented a Kroger gift card and fruit basket to Mail Processing Clerk Donna White (second left) from the Thanksgiving Day raffle.
North Texas P&DC Mail Processing Clerk Almedia Frost (left) received a Kroger gift card and fruit basket from Mail Processing Clerk Susan Jones (center) and Maintenance Clerk Timothy Tworek (right) from the Thanksgiving Day raffle.
North Texas P&DC Mail Handler Soma Kuriakose (center) received a Kroger gift card and fruit basket from Mail Processing Clerk Susan Jones (right) for the Thanksgiving Day raffle. She was joined by Mail Processing Clerk Cheri Richardson (left).

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